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Non-linear Hand luggage detector

Non-linear  Hand luggage detector
Non-linear  Hand luggage detector

Main characteristics
Vendor Intercept
Category Nonlinear locators
Power source 220V, up to 50W
Features 10–30 objects/min
Battery Optional
Interface RS-485
Dimensions, HWD 560 õ 400 õ 450 mm
Weight 15 kg

The main functions and characteristics

System for active electronic devices detection in hand luggage


Non-linear box system system is designed for post offices, lobbies, penal and judicial institutions and many other areas requiring advanced security level, where remote screening of plastic bags, handbags, letters and packages is required.

The system is designed to detect active electronic devices of different kind in hand luggage, which are prohibited, namely:

Cell phones and radio stations;
Photo and audio/video recording devices;
Digital timers and remote control units;
Laptops, touchpads, etc.
It is assumed that the system will be used as an addition to archway metal detectors and x-ray TV units. The system is compact and user friendly.


The system has a rectangular housing with an opening for screened objects.

Sensors of the system are located inside the opening and form a detection area comprising several overlapping partial zones.

After active electronic devices are put into the opening, low frequency magnetic field intensity discharges are initiated by timed pulses of these devices.

These magnetic field pulses are recorded by the output signals processing unit (patented).

Detection system is insensitive to metal objects or objects with corrosive metal joints or to completely turned off electronic devices.

Technical specifications

Detection zone opening   550õ400õ200 mm

Capacity                        10–30 objects/min

Power supply                  220V (optional battery power)

Input power                   up to 50W

Dimensions                    up to 560õ400õ450

Weight                           up to 15 kg


Audible and visual alarm;

RS485 communication (option);

Not harmful to human beings and belongings;

Smart performance control, indication and self-diagnostics