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Thuraya Orion IP Marine terminal
The main functions and characteristics
The new reliable, small-sized, high-speed satellite modem Thuraya Orion IP complete with a three-axis marine homing antenna HN321 (built-in GPS antenna) for use on water transport, supports data reception / transmission in IP streaming (Streaming IP mode) up to 384 kbps and in standard IP (Standard IP mode) up to 444 kbps.
The choice of asymmetric transmission / reception rates in Streaming IP mode allows you to reduce costs due to the optimal selection of speeds (cost savings up to 40%).
The following ranges of guaranteed data transmission / reception rates in Streaming IP mode are available -16 / 32/64/128/256 / 384Kbps.
Thuraya Orion IP can be used for high-speed data transmission on sea and river vessels, yachts, offshore drilling platforms in waves
In Thuraya descriptions, the modem is called BDU (Below Deck Unit), antenna ADU (Above Deck Unit)
Modem control (BDU) is carried out through the Web Man Machine Interface (wMMI) using standard browsers
Antenna (ADU) provides automatic guidance to the satellite and maintains guidance when the ship changes course and when rolling
BDU connects to PC via Ethernet, Wi Fi
Plug and Play - no software installation required.
Tariffs for the volume of data in Standard IP mode or for the connection time, depending on the speed for receiving / transmitting in streaming video mode (Streaming IP)
Available services
Internet access
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
File transfer (FTP)
Video conferencing (VKS)
Streaming video
Database Synchronization
IP telephony
Other IP-based services
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