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FOX 450. Thermal Imaging Cameras With Continuous Optical Zoom Lens

FOX 450

Main characteristics
Vendor Controp
Category Long-Range Surveillance
Active range (m) 20000
Interface RS-422, ARINC 429, MIL-STD-1553
Management 5-Z, Auto, manual, slow, priority
Dimensions, HWD Ø 450 mm
Weight 10 kg
Shipment According EUC

The main functions and characteristics

The FOX was the first IR Camera with a Continuous Optical Zoom Lens which has been proven in battle since the mid 1990s.
The FOX-Family of Thermal Imaging Cameras (Forward Looking InfraRed) are suitable for observation and scanning systems.
The FOX-Family Cameras have unique image enhancement algorithms for dynamic battlefield applications.
The FOX-Family Cameras provide excellent quality images for every application and for all users.
The FOX-Family Cameras use a proprietary highly powerful Continuous Optical Zoom Lens.
The cameras can be  supplied with an enclosure (FOX-ZE) or without an enclosure (FOX-Z).
Optional: Flexible mechanical configuration to adapt to Customer's size, shape and volume requirements.


•  InfraRed 3-5 µm spectral range
•  3rd Generation InSb FPA 320x256 or 640x512 (P) Pixels standard 
•  Excellent quality InfraRed picture
•  Unique InfraRed Continuous Optical Zoom Lens
•  Auto-focus through Zoom
•  Quality focus through Zoom
•  Unique image enhancement capabilities
•  Fixed CG through Zoom - optional
•  Micro scanning for improved resolution - optional
•  Housing - optional
•  Compact size, light weight


Observation - Short, Medium and Long Range
Payload - Airborne, Land, Maritime
Weapon Site
Panoramic Scanning