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Communication & other equipment.
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TALAN™ 3.0 Telephone & Line Analyzer
The main functions and characteristics
Detect Wire Taps and Eavesdropping
The TALAN 3.0 Telephone and Line Analyzer represents advanced capability to detect and locate illicit tampering and security vulnerabilities on digital, analog, and VoIP telephone systems. New hardware provides the ability to test twisted pairs against modern telecommunication threats including shield and ground.
Efficiency: compares the results of multiple tests on multiple phone lines to quickly identify threatening anomalies
Usability: combines several countermeasure testing capabilities into a single piece of equipment (voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, non-linear junction detection, frequency domain reflectometry, and digital demodulation technology)
Portability: weighs only six pounds and data can be exported for further analysis and reporting
Combines multiple testing capabilities into a single piece of equipment
Automatic internal pair switching matrix performs tests on all pair combinations
Extensive, advanced VoIP traffic filtering makes it easier to locate and identify suspicious packet information
The patent-pending Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm converts network traffic into a spectrum view, creating visually identifiable patterns not easily noticed in a traditional packet list
Quickly performs common test functions including:
Multimeter tests (voltage, current, resistance, capacitance)
RF Broadband Detector (up to 8 GHz)
Spectrum Analyzer (up to 85 MHz)
High Gain Audio Amplifier
Bias Generator ±80 VDC
Audio Oscilloscope with active input (20 Hz to 20 KHz)
Digital demodulation available to confirm that the telephone line is not passing audio
Frequency Domain Reflectometer (FDR) to check for taps on the line
Non-Linear Junction Detector (NLJD) functionality to detect electronics connected to a line
Multi-test database system provides the ability to perform tests on all pair combinations, storing data for historical comparison and comparison against other lines
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM)
Counter Surveillance
Wire Tap Detection
Telephone Line Testing
Phone Line Analysis
Eavesdropping Detection
Intelligence Protection
Executive Protection
Surveillance Equipment Detection
Electronic Surveillance Detection
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