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OSCOR Green 24. Portable spectrum analyzer
The main functions and characteristics
Portable RF Detection & Analysis
The OSCOR Green Spectrum Analyzer is designed to detect illicit eavesdropping signals, perform site surveys for communication systems, conduct radio frequency (RF) emissions analysis, and investigate misuse of the RF spectrum. The OSCOR Green is a portable spectrum analyzer that sweeps 24 GHz in one second to quickly detect transmitting electronic surveillance devices and ensure that spectrum activity is captured.
Efficiency: reference and target traces are quickly attained, stored, and compared for rapid analysis and a waterfall display generates a spectrogram of receiver traces over time
Usability: employs a touch screen interface, remote access capabilities, and built-in software
Portability: weighs less than ten pounds and does not require additional antennas or cables; battery power lasts 3-4 hours
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