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Communication & other equipment.
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Xcell. 3G direct interception system (without downgrading to 2G)
The main functions and characteristics
Xcell Benefits
A unique active interception and manipulation solution for UMTS (3G) networks
● Direct 3G intercept (without downgrading to 2G)
● Does not require key calculators
● It is an excellent platform for the infection system add-on
● Intercepts real-time Voice, SMS and IP traffic data over 3G networks
● Identifies accurate location data for a possible target capture and seizure.
● Small size and weight complement the intuitive graphical user interface with maps
● Does not require any cooperation with the local telecom operator
● Getting the key via SS7 network and / or via local operator femtocell
Xcell Components
Xcell was created to support tactical covert operations with various scenarios and is controlled using a laptop.
The system includes the following individual modules:
● UMTS base station in close proximity to the target
● Clones and UMTS femtocell for key extraction. They can be connected through Internet and located any place
● Laptop with a management program and traffic analyzer
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