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Tactical Thuraya Satellite Interceptor (TIS)
One platform for Thuraya and Iridium

Intercept of Up Channel - up to 15 km, Down Channel - up to 2000 km

TIS is a rapidly deployable system for monitoring communications on the Thuraya satellite mobile communications systems. Call interception is passive, and thus not detectable by either the mobile user or the satellite network.

Main services of the Thuraya Satellite Interceptor
• Voice communication;
• Dial‐up data transmission;
• GmPRS batch communication;
• Facsimile communication;
• Transmission of short messages;
• Defining of geographical position of subscribers.
TIS provides
• Interception of voice communication;
• Interception of Facsimile communications;
• Interception of short text messages;
• Interception of data transmitted between terminals of the system;
• Interception of call related information;
• Defining of geographical position of Thuraya terminals;
• Continued (24/7) operation, processing and storage of information;
• Full‐range and flexible retrieval of stored information on the user demand;
• Issuing of reports and recommendations based on stored information assessments.
System structure
The system consists of a receiver, a control unit (laptop) and an antenna kit.
The receiver is designed to receive and amplify the signal, and the computing part is for processing and storing intercepted data
Detailed Components List
a. TIS‐RF‐L The subsystem receives and amplifies high‐frequency signal which comes from a L‐band satellite antenna and rely it to processing subsystem TIS‐P.
b. TIS‐RF‐L‐M The system is similar to the TIS‐RF‐L but used for configuration with multiple L‐band antennas and works in conjunction with TIS‐P‐M subsystem.
c. TIS‐P The subsystem is for processing of communication signals relied from TIS‐RF‐L and TIS‐RF‐L‐M subsystems. It identifies communication sessions and carries out other necessary functions related to data processing, as well as storage and processing of accumulated data.
d. TIS‐P‐M The subsystem is for processing of communication signals relied from TIS‐RF‐L‐M subsystem. For full operation of entire system a communication link with TIS‐P subsystem will be required.
*Detailed documentation is available only to registered partners with STS status
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