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Communication & other equipment.
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Repeater AnyTone AT-600
The main functions and characteristics
AnyTone AT-600 - practical and easy to install GSM-standard 900 MHz repeater with a gain of 50-60 dB. The design allows the repeater gain control on both fronts simultaneously.
Area coverage AT-600 the room is 300 m2.
When using a repeater control following:
- The level of output direction "station-phone"
- The level of output direction "telephone station"
- The voltage on secondary power sources
- Body temperature amplifier
Power AnyTone AT-600 is designed to ensure the operation of cellular communication GSM900 standard in places with weaksignal or when its full absence - in the basement, podzemnyeh garages, parking lots,
country houses, etc.
- Repeater AnyTone AT-600
- External Antenna
- Internal whip antenna
- Cable length 5 meters
- Power supply
- Instructions
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